(Last updated: December 9, 1998.)

This is an experiment. Below is a DRAFT of our upcoming Club newsletter. All of our Club members are welcome to participate in drafting our newsletter -- you will automatically become a member of our Newsletter Committee if you do! You can suggest corrections or you can make comments, request additions or ideas for new topics or even write entire articles if you'd like! Let us know if you've got photographs you'd like to show in our newsletter! Just click here to send email to our Newsletter Committee at < gvdc@lafn.org >. Space is limited in our 4-page newsletter, but that's not a problem yet!

ALL of our Club members can participate -- if you don't have a computer at home then you can visit your local Library to read and criticize this draft newsletter there! (The Librarians will be happy to show you how to use their computers.) We appreciate any and all comments!

The printed version of this newsletter will look much better than the World Wide Web version here, because there are many more ways to format it on paper. But the newsletter's photos and graphics can be in COLOR here on the Web, unlike most printed versions of the newsletter, so there are advantages to each version. The Web version can also be easily altered, so please look for mistakes! We want to put our best foot forward!


D e c e m b e r 1 9 9 8 . . . . . . . . . Serving the South Bay area of Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

Cliff Holliday’s 100th!

Family, friends, fellow activists and Gardena City officials and civic groups joined together to celebrate Cliff Holliday’s 100th Birthday at the Ken Nakaoka Community Center on September 28th. Mayor Don

Thank you,

All of you helped to elect our candidates in the most sweeping Democratic victory ever in California! Even those of you who primarily volunteered in losing campaigns (happily those were few and far between) helped all of the other Democratic candidates in California by getting out the Democratic vote!

Thanks also to the progressive, labor, women's, minorities, environmental, health care reform and other groups and individuals–even Republicans–who supported our Democratic candidates against the vehemently right-wing Republicans who were attempting to subvert our Democracy!

Thank you ALL very much!

Dear, Councilmembers Steve Bradford, Al DeFilipo and Jim Cragin, City Treasurer Larry Ybarra and City Clerk May Doi joined together to present Cliff with a Resolution celebrating his 100 years. Torrance Councilman George Nakano presented Cliff with a Resolution from the City of Torrance. Many other groups awarded Cliff for his many, many years of activism. Cliff has tirelessly worked for Neighborhood Watch, Universal Health Care and to save Social Security and Medicare from the Republicans who are out to destroy them, as he noted in

Continued on page 2


Monday, December 21, 1998, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
at the Ken Nakaoka Community Center
1700 West 162nd Street (just east of Western Ave.)
in Gardena, California

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Our first order of business will be to elect new officers for 1999. A number of candidates were nominated at our November meeting. Others can be nominated from the floor. Only Club members can vote.
ENDORSEMENTS: We will endorse candidates for Local elections other than Gardena. (Gardena endorsements will be in January.)
WEEKLY BREAKFAST: We meet every Sunday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Normandie Casino, 1045 W. Rosecrans Ave. in Gardena (just west of Vermont) in the Showroom or Coffee Shop.

 TO TOP --^


For any questions, corrections, additions or comments: press  [E-MAIL] .

(Apologies to our Los Angeles Free-Net viewers using the Lynx text-based Web browser. This newsletter uses tables to simulate the two or three columns per page in the newsletter, so various parts of an article on the same page may be disconnected in Lynx. I'm afraid that you'll have to use your sleuthing abilities to piece them together in your head!)