Antonie Churg, Leff Clounché, Herman Weinstein and Doris Griffin demonstrating on Hawthorne Boulevard -- one of the busiest streets in America -- to Protect Social Security and Medicare. Other demonstrators this day in late 1995 included Ioannis Kostoulas, Cliff Holliday, Teddie Marsh, Elaine Holdaway, Don Davis, Bill and Vi Mullins, Harmon Belcher, Carol Norman, Steve Varalyay, Rosalie Preston, Jim McGreevy, Eda & Carl Conn, Ann Trojan, Alan Constantino, Bob & Virgie Tougas and several others. Our Club has demonstrated a number of times to protect the welfare of our senior citizens and others receiving Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security, and passing motorists are always very responsive, often honking in support. We will continue to hold similar demonstrations until the future of our seniors is secure. (photo by Harmon Belcher)

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