To jump to a specific date in the South Bay L.A. Democratic Calendar, you simply click on that date where indicated, and if your Web Browser supports moving around within a file, you should go directly to that date.

At the moment, you've got to click on one of the dates listed in the "TEMPORARY CALENDAR," since our Service Provider does not yet support "hot-mapping" of graphic files, such as the calendar graphic here. They are working on providing that capability, and it should be available shortly. When it is enabled, you'll simply click on a date in the graphical Calendar and you'll go to that date in the listing.

To get back to the top of the Calendar page, simply click on any of the green Return Arrows, such as the one at the end of this page.

In the TEMPORARY CALENDAR, you must click on the center of the date's number to select it. If nothing happens, move the cursor slightly and click again.

You must wait until the entire page is loaded before you start jumping around it. The Calendar covers two months, so it is around 20K in size -- about the size of a small graphic image -- but it is mostly text, so it loads quickly. The two Calendar graphics at the beginning of the file are each about 2,500 bytes in length, so they load quickly as well. Unless, of course, you've got a very slow modem and an extremely bad phone line connection. In that case, turn off Automatic Loading of graphic images in your Web Browser. This Web site is designed to be used by text-based Web Browsers as well as graphical ones, so it should still be useful.

If you are using the Lynx text-based Web Browser, to get to a specific date you simply press the down-arrow key until you get to the date you want, press ENTER (or RETURN) on your keyboard to get to it, and then choose [RETURN] and press ENTER (or RETURN) on your keyboard again to get back.